@stuckinarut2 I saw a therapist for SIX YEARS when dealing with some self destructive behavior that started after some trauma I suffered at the hands of some elders as a 17 year old. NEVER ONCE did I EVER tell my therapist that I was a Jehovah's Witness. I was too concerned about protecting the cult! What if she thought bad of Jehovah's Witnesses after hearing all the grotesque thoughts and actions I was carrying out?! Why, that would prevent her from one day becoming a Witness!
That therapist was unable to help me. Fortunately, I managed to turn that ship around a few years later before resorting to the shipwreck of suicide - an option I was dangerously close to resorting to at that time. I'm so saddened that this brother didn't have the outlet of saying what was really wrong. Secrets tend to bury us further than the physical grave :(.